CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering)

CASE (computer-aided software engineering) is the use of a computer-assisted method to organize and control the development of software, especially on large, complex projects involving many software components and people. Using CASE allows designers, code writers, testers, planners, and managers to share a common view of where a project stands at each stage of development. CASE helps ensure a disciplined, check-pointed process. A CASE tool may portray progress (or lack of it) graphically. It may also serve as a repository for or be linked to document and program libraries containing the project's business plans, design requirements, design specifications, detailed code specifications, the code units, test cases and results, and marketing and service plans.

CASE originated in the 1970s when computer companies were beginning to borrow ideas from the hardware manufacturing process and apply them to software development. Some CASE tools supported the concepts of structured programming and similar organized development methods.

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