PHP Date and Time

Current Date:

PHP Code:
echo date("m/d/y");


Previous Date:

PHP Code:
$tomorrow = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")+1, date("y"));
echo "Tomorrow is ".date("m/d/y", $tomorrow);

Tomorrow is 02/28/10

All together:

// Prints the day
echo date("l") . "<br>";

// Prints the day, date, month, year, time, AM or PM
echo date("l jS \of F Y h:i:s A") . "<br>";

// Prints October 3, 1975 was on a Friday
echo "Oct 3,1975 was on a ".date("l", mktime(0,0,0,10,3,1975)) . "<br>";

// Use a constant in the format parameter
echo date(DATE_RFC822) . "<br>";

// prints something like: 1975-10-03T00:00:00+00:00
echo date(DATE_ATOM,mktime(0,0,0,10,3,1975));

Important Full Date and Time:
r: Displays the full date, time and timezone offset. It is equivalent to manually entering date("D, d M Y H:i:s O")


  • a: am or pm depending on the time
  • A: AM or PM depending on the time
  • g: Hour without leading zeroes. Values are 1 through 12.
  • G: Hour in 24-hour format without leading zeroes. Values are 0 through 23.
  • h: Hour with leading zeroes. Values 01 through 12.
  • H: Hour in 24-hour format with leading zeroes. Values 00 through 23.
  • i: Minute with leading zeroes. Values 00 through 59.
  • s: Seconds with leading zeroes. Values 00 through 59.


  • d: Day of the month with leading zeroes. Values are 01 through 31.
  • j: Day of the month without leading zeroes. Values 1 through 31
  • D: Day of the week abbreviations. Sun through Sat
  • l: Day of the week. Values Sunday through Saturday
  • w: Day of the week without leading zeroes. Values 0 through 6.
  • z: Day of the year without leading zeroes. Values 0 through 365.


  • m: Month number with leading zeroes. Values 01 through 12
  • n: Month number without leading zeroes. Values 1 through 12
  • M: Abbreviation for the month. Values Jan through Dec
  • F: Normal month representation. Values January through December.
  • t: The number of days in the month. Values 28 through 31.


  • L: 1 if it's a leap year and 0 if it isn't.
  • Y: A four digit year format
  • y: A two digit year format. Values 00 through 99.

Other Formatting:

U: The number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970)
O: This represents the Timezone offset, which is the difference from Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). 100 = 1 hour, -600 = -6 hours

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