PHP Conditions

Conditions are used to execute part of a script only if some predefined requirements (conditions) are fulfilled. For example, a condition could be that a date must be after January 1, 2012 or that a variable is greater than 7.


The first type of condition we will look at is documentationif, which has the following syntax:

if (condition) {

Again, the syntax is very close to ordinary English: If a condition is met, then execute something. Let's look at a simple example:


<title>Loops </title>


$x = 2;

if ($x > 1) {
  echo "<p>variable $x is greater than 1 </p>";



if ... else ...

The next type of condition will want to look at is documentationelse , which may be presented in the following form:

if (condition) {
else {

Again, the syntax is very close to ordinary English: if a condition is met execute something or else execute something else.

 we will use the month number in an documentationif documentationelse condition to find out what season it is:



if (date ("m") == 3) {
  echo "<p>Now it's spring!</p> ";
else {
  echo "<p>I do not know what season it is!</p> ";



However, there are plenty of ways to improve the condition and make it more precise. Below are listed comparison operators that can be used in the condition:

== Equals
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
!= Not equal to

In addition, there are some logical operators:

&& And
|| Or
! Not

The operators can be used to develop more precise conditions, so now we can expand the above example to include all the spring months:




if (date("m") >= 3 && date("m") <= 5) {
  echo "<p> Now it's spring!</p> ";
else {
  echo "<p> Now it's either winter, summer or autumn!</p> ";



Let's take a closer look at the extended condition:

date("m") >= 3 && date("m") <= 5

The condition can be translated into:

If the month is greater than or equal to 3,
and the month is less than or equal to 5

if ... elseif ... else...

Using documentationelseif, we can expand the condition and make it work for all months:




if (date("m") >= 3 && date("m") <= 5) {
  echo "<p>Now it's spring!</p>";

elseif (date("m") >= 6 && date("m") <= 8) {
  echo "<p>Now it's summer!</p>";

elseif (date("m") >= 9 && date("m") <= 11) {
  echo "<p>Now it's autumn!</p>";

else {
  echo "<p>Now is winter!</p>";



switch ... case

Another way of writing conditions is to use the documentationswitch method:

switch (expression) {

case 1:
case 2:



switch(date("w")) {

case 1:
  echo "Now it's Monday";
case 2:
  echo "Now it's Tuesday";
case 3:
  echo "Now it's Wednesday";
case 4:
  echo "Now it's Thursday";
case 5:
  echo "Now it's Friday";
case 6:
  echo "Now it's Saturday";
  echo "Now it's Sunday";




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